Summer is on.
Things have been really busy around here, and not in a bad way. I have completed two courses at school. A colour theory class at the...
Bison "Earthless" Reissue LP/CD/CASS
Really proud of this one. Vancouver doom/stoner/metal/heavy/whatever band BISON have reissued their classic "Earthless" album on No List...
Cap City Comic Con
I will be among other artists and vendors at the inaugural Cap City Comic Con here in Victoria, BC, March 16-18, Get your tickets now! I...
First Peoples' Cultural Council
I would like to take a quick opportunity to thank the First Peoples' Cultural Council for awarding me a generous grant. With it, I plan...
An appearance on the CBC
Indigenous Athlete transforms life one KM at a time
Happy new year!
Hope you had a warm and meaningful holiday season. In addition to completing my 2017 fitness goal of riding 7000km on my bike, I finished...
No rest.
So we survived the Touch of Saltspring art and craft sale last weekend. We had a great time, met some nice people and enjoyed a chance to...
Touch of Saltspring...incoming.
We are happy to announce that we will be a part of the Touch of Saltspring Christmas craft show. We look forward to meeting folks and...
The Cityscape
Hey folks, I have been spending as much free time as possible working on traditional native imagery as well as more of a comic book style...
Welcome to Fall
Summer is officially done with. We had a great time down at the inner-harbor whenever we could get down there. Now as we slip into fall,...